After finishing his bachelor degree in Medical Engineering at the Fontys Hogeschool in Eindhoven in 2001, Andor Veltien started working at the Biomedical MR research group. Andor is in charge of the everyday business on the Bruker ClinScan 7T and Bruker BioSpec 11.7T preclinical MRI scanners located in the Preclinical imaging centre (PRIME). He assists the researchers getting acquainted with controlling the MRI systems, helps implementing MRI protocols from the first idea until the collection of the MRI data and develops measurement setups for specific MRI measurements to be performed with. Andor is also responsible for developing, building, testing and implementing RF coils and peripheral electronics and mechanical hardware on the preclinical MRI scanners. The RF coils and hardware are being designed for frequency ranges from 75 MHz up to above 500 MHz.